
These manuals are operating under the assumption that the users and administrators will be utilizing the product of Sprint 5, not the entire finished product.

User Manual

For setting up the required software on the Jetson TX1, use our provisioning scripts.

We assume that the Jetson has been provisioned with our scripts in the following steps.


The following software and applications are needed to run our application:

  1. Python 2.7
  2. Opencv 2.4 with Python bindings
  3. 2+ USB cameras
  4. Wowza cloud streaming engine server
  5. ffmpeg 3.2.x
  6. Jetson TX1 board with Jetpack 2.1


Desktop Application

  1. Download the desktop application from our Github page here
  2. You can find detailed instructions on how to install and run the code here
  3. Unzip the release and open the binary called 360ls.

Web Application

  1. Navigate to our web application after you streamed a video to see it playing live here

Stitcher Application

  1. Make sure you have the correct versions of OpenCV and Python installed.
  2. Clone the stitcher repository: git clone
  3. Install the dependencies: make install.


Desktop Application

Stitcher Application


Viewing live stream on Wowza:

  1. Make sure you have a Wowza server up and running with a new application that can take live stream (see Admin manual to set this up)
  2. Go to the Wowza streaming engine manager ( and click on the application “live”.
  3. Click incoming streams on the left tab bar and select “myStream”.
  4. Then click “Test Player” to see the cameras being streamed to the Wowza server

Administrator Manual

Desktop Application

Follow the instructions here to set up a developer environment for the electron app.

Web Application
