Team Rules

Team Behavior

  1. Begin meeting 5 minutes after a meeting time if member is not there

  2. There will be MWF Slack standups when development starts to address what each member is working on, how it is going and any blockers.

  3. Slack will be primary form of communication. Phone calls and FaceTime will be used for urgent communication.

  4. If a team member anticipates a missed deadline they should be transparent about it in the next MWF Slack standup.

  5. End times on meetings will be observed. Members will not be required to stay past a set end time.

Coding Practices

  1. We will follow the Google style guide for C++ and Django

  2. We will use git/Github for version control and follow the GitHub workflow as our main workflow.

  3. We will follow the Airbnb style guide for JS and React - JS and React

  4. We will follow the PEP 8 style guide for Python - Python