User Stories

This portion of the website highlights the user stories acquired for the requirements sprint. The user stories are broken down by the personas we defined for our project here.

Police Officer

  1. As a patrolling police officer, I can view a live-stream video of on-car video from an in-car touch-screen on the streaming device so I can tell what is going on around me.
  2. As a patrolling police officer, I can tell whether or not my on-box live-stream video is being recorded or not so I have confirmation that my stream is being recorded when I am on a call.
  3. As a patrolling police officer, I can flag an interaction for later viewing by the police chief and easy access in the web platform offering so that I can look back at my day and immediately know what the most important recordings are to look back over.
  4. As a patrolling police officer, I can view all videos in a web DVR offering for incidents with which I was involved so that I can act accordingly post-interaction.
  5. As a patrolling officer, I can filter videos in the web app to easily get to the videos that are most pertinent in the moment.
  6. As a patrolling officer, I can flag videos as active to make sure they are not deleted/archived after the 12 month video transition deadline.
  7. As a patrolling officer, in the DVR player, I can manipulate video quality to get a better stream on a poor connection, and I can zoom in on different areas of the video so I can get more information about interactions (e.g. license plate numbers).

Police Chief

The Police Chief can do everything that the Police Officer can do, plus the following:

  1. As a police chief, I can view all videos in a web DVR offering for all incidents in my domain (i.e. from all officer feeds) so that I can evaluate the performance of each officer in my group.
  2. As a police chief, I can view and filter all live streams and recorded videos from all officers so I can look at old recordings as well as observe and impact live interactions by my team in the field.
  3. As a police chief, I can look at the videos flagged by all of my officers during the day and tell what interactions the officers thought were most important coming out of the day.
  4. As a police chief, I can manipulate video quality, pan around footage, pause, rewind, etc. to get a better look at individual recordings.