Ideal Plan
- Unit Tests:
- Use unit tests to systematically measure the functionality of the python stitching script.
- Unit test the homography matrix with different image sets.
- Unit test the keypoint detection for individual images of different brightness, size, etc.
- Unit test the keypoint matching between multiple images.
- Unit test the output frames of the stitching script with different image sizes to see the accuracy of the stitching
- Unit test the configuration using streams of different quality, sizes, and on different systems.
- Unit test the rtmp connection to a server
- Unit test the encoding of videos of different sizes and qualities
- Integration Tests:
- Test the connections between the driver file ( and the stitching module (
- Test the system with different numbers of cameras
- Test with still images, video files, and video streams.
- Test the connection between the RTMP stream and the stitching script
- Acceptance Tests:
- Look at the full output videos of stitched streams and test the quality
- Does the script take 4 video streams, create a homography matrix by matching key points, and stitching 4 streams together?
- Does the python script take a stitched video and stream it over RTMP to a server?
Actual Plan
- Configuration Tests:
- Script should be able to initialize 4 video streams
- Test that all video streams are visible and without errors
- Stitching Tests:
- Use different sets of mp4 video files to stitch together and examine the output.
- Look for missing video streams, stitching errors, warping, and poor resolution.
- Encoding Tests:
- Check that an RTMP stream can be established to a server
- Test sending video files over RTMP stream to Wowza server
- Check encoding to ensure that correct parameters were provided and quality was maintained on the video files
- Integration Tests:
- Test the connection between video streams and stitching script. Ensure that all streams are inputting properly
- Test the connection between the stitching script and the encoding process. The stitched video stream should be encoded and sent over an RTMP server.