Executable Code and Instructions

Desktop Application

Hardware Setup

Our application is designed to be used on the Jetson TX1 hardware.

For our setup, we installed Jetpack 2.1. At the moment later versions are not supported because electron does not support ARM64 architecture currently.

Pull down our repository that contains the provisioning scripts.

$ git clone https://github.com/360ls/provision.git

Run the installer that will install Ansible.

$ make install

Run the provisioning script:

$ make provision

NOTE: This step can take up to an hour as it will compile and install OpenCV from the source.

When the provisioning step is done, run the test script to make sure the OpenCV functionalities are working. A working usb camera needs to be connected for this step.

$ make test

You can find the latest executables here.

Running the Desktop Application

  1. Download the latest zipped release.
  2. Unzip with unzip 360ls-x.y.z-armv7l.zip, where x.y.z is the latest version number.
  3. Run the executable called 360ls inside the unzipped directory.

Web Application

To use the web application, go here.

Stitcher Application

Clone the stitcher repository

$ git clone https://github.com/360ls/stitcher.git

To install the package:

$ cd stitcher
$ git checkout origin results/final
$ make install

This will install package dependencies via pip (python)

Then, to run the app

$ make run

To run the cli, which allows for testing and development utilities

$ make cli

Developing and Building the Desktop Application

You can find the instructions for setting up a developer environment for the desktop application here.