
Police Officer

Sandra is a 28 year old police officer. She joined the police force to make a difference, but she finds herself battling with today’s public distrust of police officers and feeling like her every move is being questioned. She wants a better system that will both show that she is handling her day-to-day in a proper manner and increase her sense of security on-the-job. Relatively technical, she feels comfortable with touch-screen technologies, streaming video, using standard web browsers, and interacting with mobile devices. She is looking for a platform that will allow her to view her surroundings in real-time and relay videos back to her police chief to show she is doing a good job. She also wants to keep her chief in the loop when she is on a potentially dangerous call, so he can make the decision to send backup if need-be. Though she is relatively technical, she wants a platform that is reliable, consistent, and intuitive.

Police Chief

Scott is a local police chief that manages a fleet of cars and a team of officers. It is his job to maintain proper protocol amongst his officers, investigate instances of misconduct within his team, and discipline accordingly. His number one goal is to maintain peace within the community, and one way he can achieve this is by establishing transparency between the officers and the public. He will use 360 Life Stream as a way to examine officer behavior during incidents, as well as a way to collect evidence during an investigation. The police chief will use a web interface to search different videos, examine different scenes, pause and rewind videos, export evidence, and manage files.  Scott does not have much technical experience so the UI should be intuitive and helpful, but most importantly it should be reliable. This is real evidence being manipulated and viewed, so Scott needs to be able to rely on the fact that 360LS can produce consistent videos every time.  Scott is excited about this new technology because it will give him a new tool to provide transparency in his police force, a subject that has been under public scrutiny lately. Nevertheless, Scott is still wary about the installation and initial learning curve of the video system, so the setup should be easy and intuitive. Overall, Scott needs a reliable, safe, secure system to protect the integrity and safety of his officers.