Executable Code and Instructions

Desktop Application

You can find the latest executables here.


  1. Download the Windows release.
  2. Unzip the file and open the executable inside.


  1. Download the debian release.
  2. Run sudo dpkg -i 360ls-Desktop-Application-1.0.0-amd64.deb.


  1. Download the MacOS release.
  2. Unzip the file and open the executable inside.

Stitcher Application

Install OpenCV

360ls-stitcher requires OpenCV to be installed. Listed below are instructions for installing OpenCV for various platforms.

Install Python

Python 2.7 is required for running 360ls-stitcher. You can get find the release for a specific platform here.

Clone the stitch-flex repository

git clone https://github.com/360ls/stitch-flex.git

To install the package:

cd stitch-flex
git checkout origin checkpoint/sprint3
make clean-install

This will install package dependencies via npm (node.js) and pip (python), including the yarn package manager dependency.

Then, to run the app, either:

make run

to simply run the app



to clean the package, do a fresh (but not brand new) install of dependencies, and then run the app.

To run the cli, which provides the most functionality.:

make cli

To set up the camera streams

make camera-setup

To demonstrate threading through taking snapshots

make snap

To lint the application:

For JS files:

eslint nameoffile.js

For Python files;

make lint-py

To run tests against the application:

make test

Developing and Building the Desktop Application

You can find the instructions for setting up a developer environment for the desktop application here.